Naruto Quiz Which Chakra Nature Are You
Naruto is a beloved anime/manga for many otakus across the globe, spanning over 200 episodes and 50 volumes of manga along with several movies.originally published through shonen jump in 1997 by writer/artist masashi kishimoto, the story tells of a young boy named naruto uzumaki who lives in the hidden leaf village where everyone’s a ninja. What is your chakra nature? Pin on Which Chakra Nature Is Boruto's Rasengan And Can He Share this quiz result save to portfolio: Naruto quiz which chakra nature are you . Which naruto character are you? Congratulations, your result has been determined. The series' storyline follows the adventures of a young ninja named naruto uzumaki as he goes on an adventure in a world built around mystical control of elemental abilities. This is a quiz to know your predominant chakra nature. On some older mobile devices or with bad internet connections, this quiz might take up to 10 seconds to load. The raikage (, literally meaning: ...