Naruto Character Quiz Playbuzz
Naruto is a beloved anime/manga for many otakus across the globe, spanning over 200 episodes and 50 volumes of manga along with several movies.originally published through shonen jump in 1997 by writer/artist masashi kishimoto, the story tells of a young boy named naruto uzumaki who lives in the hidden leaf village where everyone’s a ninja. It has all the first generation boys eg. Naruto and Sasuke against Momoshiki Otsutsuki Boruto Its story, characters, scenes are attractive and exciting for fans. Naruto character quiz playbuzz . You're loads of fun to hang out with, as well as being a 1000 year old minecraft goddess. As you know, anime is a japanese form of animation, and all age groups, from children to adults, love to watch it. You ever wanted to know who your perfect guy would be in the show naruto? In the end, naruto becomes the hokage of the hidden leaf village and achieves his long time dream. Which nct member are you? Which undertale character are you? ...